martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Quest Software provides functions vRanger backup and... – MuyComputerPRO

vranger 6 physical architecture Quest Software dota a vRanger de funciones de backup y restauración para servidores físicos

Today, virtualization has become the standard in data centers, with what more and more organizations are promoting their physical backup tools through the incorporation of modern technology created specifically for virtual environments.

A recent study conducted by Quest Software reveals that 86% of organizations use at least two backup products to protect their physical and virtual machines. However, the same study suggests that more than half of the organizations would prefer to have a single solution. To respond directly to the wishes of customers reduce the complexity involved in the use of various products, Quest has improved vRanger so that it now offers protection complete for virtual and physical environments.

vRanger, which already had the certification VMware vSphere 5 Ready, offers in its version 6.0 compatibility with Windows Server 2003 and 2008, and will be compatible with Windows Server 2012 when released to the market. In addition, vRanger 6.0 offers consistent backups using snapshots for various Microsoft applications, including Exchange, SQL Server, SharePoint and Active Directory through Microsoft VSS.

In addition, solution enables backup of physical servers through deployment of distributed agents sending data directly from the source to the repository. This results in a greater scalability, since it eliminates an extra step and potential bottlenecks in the backup process.

Other useful information:

Tips for backups and restorations of effective virtual environments

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